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Celebrate Passover with Us!

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Virtual Seder


Sell Your Chametz

The preparation for Passover includes the sale of chametz, as we are not permitted to own any during Passover.
By filling out this form, you empower Rabbi Myers to sell your chametz for you.


The Ma'ot Chittin (Wheat Money) Fund will be used used to help replenish the funds of our communal food sources that are severely compromised.

Supplemental ReSources

Rabbi Myers is pleased to share with you some resources that he that might be of interest to you to supplement your Seder. They are offered not to advocate of any particular group, but as to provide of materials that may enrich your experience. If you do utilize any of the materials listed below, or another new resource, kindly share with Rabbi Myers how it was received.

The resources available for Passover are inconceivable in breadth and variety. We offer you a list of some options that might interest you.
A Haggadah specially dedicated to the hostages in Gaza
Rabbinical Assembly resources
Resources from American Jewish World Service
PJ Library Resources
Resources from HIAS
Sustainable Passover resources from Adamah
Resources from One Table
Resources from 18 Doors
Resources from
Resources from Jewish Grandparents Network
Resources from Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance
Resources from Jewish Together
Resources from My Jewish Learning
Kosher for Passover Products from the OU
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism resources

American Jewish World Service
A Hagadah for a Socially Responsible Chocolate Seder
Four Questions on Asylum Seekers's Ever Growing List of Seder Plate Additions
The Pardes Center for Jewish Educators Interactive Seder Experience

Passover Song Parodies
Afikoman Hunt (Answers)
Foreign Language Four Questions

Israeli artisans

Rabbinical Assembly special recommendations for Passover 2021 Rabbinical Assembly Passover Guide
PJ Library resources for kids 
For special needs and inclusion 
Social Justice Passover Resources 
Passover Songs

Judy Danenberg's Passover Cooking Videos
Fried Geshmirta Matzo

Sun, January 12 2025 12 Tevet 5785