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a good education

05/09/2024 08:10:26 AM


Rabbi Jeffrey Myers

Is the old adage of the three R’s sufficient for a good education to properly provide a child with the tools to be successful: Reading, Writing and ‘Rithmetic? We continue to read about schools that cut back or eliminate arts education to save money, suggesting that the arts are unnecessary for a good education. On the contrary, I have seen much research over the years that demonstrates that the best students...Read more...


05/02/2024 09:11:34 AM


Rabbi Jeffrey Myers

The Passover dishes, pots and pans, cutlery and everything else have been safely stored away until next year.  You most probably put on 10,000 steps just going down and up from the basement. The leftovers that you have had enough of are now history. Of course in the back of the drawer you just found an extra meat fork, but the box is underneath six boxes that are all carefully taped...Read more...


04/25/2024 08:43:43 AM


Rabbi Jeffrey Myers

The Passover Seder is filled with moments of celebration and joy, both as texts in the Haggadah as well as conversation at the table. At least it is supposed to be.  Many will feel the diminished element very strongly not merely by removing one drop of wine for each of the Ten Plagues as we are to lessen our joy, but by the empty chair that symbolizes day 200 of captivity of the...Read more...

can all who are hungry come eat?

04/18/2024 10:58:33 AM


Rabbi Jeffrey Myers

The Passover Seder is the only meal that is didactic, meaning that instruction is folded into the experience. We are commanded to teach our children about the exodus from Egypt, no matter if they are wise, wicked, simple, or do not know how to ask.  The Seder is also remarkably fluid, nimble and responsive to the call of the day. I would not be able to fathom a guess as to how many different haggadot...Read more...

let there be light

04/11/2024 09:08:54 AM


Rabbi Jeffrey Myers

According to the National Center for Environmental Information, Pittsburgh averages 59 clear days per year and 306 cloudy days. However, the 306 cloudy days includes partly cloudy days too, in which clouds cover 40 to 70 percent of the sky. If only overcast days are taken into consideration, the city averages 203 per year. As if that lessens the pain. In terms of the presence of sunlight,...Read more...

truth and facts

04/04/2024 09:05:20 AM


Rabbi Jeffrey Myers

There is a story told that Columbus’ voyage to North America included not three, but four ships. We all remember the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria from our elementary school education. Sadly, the fourth ship, the Locura (folly), has been relegated to a few footnotes in obscure documents of that time period, because it fell off of the edge of the earth.

Until there was...

from where shall my help come?

03/28/2024 09:38:02 AM


Rabbi Jeffrey Myers

That feeling of just too much has returned. It’s different from eating way too much at the Passover Seder, as that passes. It is the continuous flow of bad news with no escape. I’ve experienced it twice within the past 5 ½ years. The first was within the first six months of 10.27, when the onslaught of media, requests for interviews, telephone calls, text messages, a steady flow of visitors and so much more...Read more...

03/28/2024 09:32:00 AM


Update this content.


03/21/2024 09:09:13 AM


Rabbi Jeffrey Myers

I think that I remember correctly that seasons were not the roller coaster ride of temperature variations that they seem to be now during my childhood. It gradually got colder, with the potential exception of a few warm days amidst Autumn, and then gradually warmed up. There was a predictable cycle to them. Many might chime in at this point and claim that it is Global Warming. I do not know enough about the...Read more...

Time to be counted

03/14/2024 08:51:01 AM


Rabbi Jeffrey Myers

Haman, agog with the sense that fate itself had endorsed his wicked plan, went immediately to see King Achashverosh, and made the following declaration: “Your Majesty,” he said, “it has come to my attention that there is a certain folk scattered and dispersed among the peoples of the provinces of the kingdom whose laws are different from the ones the other ethnicities obey and, more to the point, who do not...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784